Are you struggling to pay your bills and have found you can no longer pay your credit cards? Do you have creditors relentlessly chasing you on all your phone numbers? Are you getting threatening letters that make you fear checking the mail each day? Does your financial situation weigh heavy on you and make you wonder if you'll ever move past the situation? If so, know that help is out there. You can turn to a debt settlement service to help get you caught up on your bills, so you can get to a much better financial situation and begin working on improving your credit score. Here are more things to know about this type of service.
They contact the creditors and speak to them for you
While you may be able to call the creditors and discuss a plan with them, it will more than likely end with you either feeling pressured to agree to a plan you still won't be able to stick to, or with you hanging up after finding you can't work with the person on the other end of the line.
A company that does debt settlement knows how to get those good payment arrangements. They do this all the time, and this has made them experts on negotiating the best possible terms with those creditors who may try to play hardball with you.
They make payments easy on you
The debt settlement company will make it easy for you to make the payments toward that debt. You may be able to have it set up so you can make one payment on a monthly basis that the company will then dole out to cover the agreed upon payments to the creditors. Or, they may have made an agreement for a lump sum to be paid at a later date. In this case, the settlement company may have you make regular payments in an account and once you have the necessary amount for the payment, then it will be paid.
They stop you from being harassed
One of the things many people find they appreciate the most is saying goodbye to the harassment that they may have suffered through. If you feel more stress from all of that harassment, then you may also appreciate this aspect the most as well. You will be able to answer your phone and go to the mailbox without holding your breath.