4 Things To Do Before Applying For A Personal Loan

There are many reasons why you may want to take out a personal loan. Perhaps you want to consolidate some credit card debt, or maybe you need some help paying for a large expense (such as a home renovation or wedding). The great thing about a personal loan is that it can be used for just about anything. Of course, before you begin applying for personal loans, there are a few things you'll want to do to increase your chances of being approved and ensure you get the best possible loan terms. 

Make Sure You're Registered to Vote

Believe it or not, many lenders will check to see if you're registered to vote in your area. Those who aren't registered to vote are sometimes considered a higher risk for lenders because a lack of voter registration could indicate that you move around a lot, which is not an uncommon move for people trying to escape debt obligations.

Check and Review Your Credit Report

Another important step worth taking before you apply for any personal loans is obtaining a copy of your credit report from any of the three major bureaus (Transunion, Equifax, or Experian). You're legally entitled to one free report per year. When you get your report, be sure to note your score and take time to review the report itself, being on the lookout for any errors that could be impacting your credit.

Settle Existing Debts, If Possible

While it's not always possible to pay off existing debts or settle accounts before you take out a personal loan, it's worth trying. Take a look at your current loans or accounts in repayment and see if there are any with a low enough balance that you can pay them off or settle them. Doing so will significantly boost your credit score, which will improve your chances of being approved for a personal loan with a low interest rate and other favorable terms.

Do Your Research on Lenders

Last but not least, be sure to research lenders before you start applying. Remember that each application will likely result in a soft hit to your credit, so the fewer you apply for, the better. By researching lenders and narrowing down your options to those with lower interest rates and no hidden fees or pre-payment penalties, you'll ultimately be able to find a reputable and experienced lender to suit your needs.

For more information about getting a personal loan, talk to a lender like Union State Bank.
